Tessica Brown is taking action against a blogger who claimed her tragic hair experience with Gorilla Glue was not real. The woman reportedly sent a cease and desist against the person behind @gossipofthecity__ for saying she lied about the entire incident.

As reported by TMZ, the page’s Twitter and Instagram accounts have been providing its followers with updates since Brown’s story went viral. In certain posts, they insisted she didn’t actual spray the Gorilla Glue adhesive into her hair and insinuated that those who financially supported her GoFundMe were bamboozled.

The accounts, the letter explained, made “disparaging statements” about Brown, alleging that “she fabricated an unfortunate and traumatic incident.”

The Louisiana woman and her management company, however, claim the sticky situation was “neither contrived nor a joke.” They are reportedly ready to take legal action, if necessary, for the defamation of Brown’s character.

Brown’s failed attempt to use the adhesive as a replacement for her usual hair spray attracted social media attention, drawing a variety of reactions, including social media jokes that she confessed initially hurt her feelings. “I really really felt some type of way because again I only went to social media because I didn’t know what else to do,” Brown previously explained. “And I just figured somebody out there can tell me what I can use to take it off.”

Concerned followers hoping to assist Brown donated to her GoFundMe before Beverly Hills surgeon Dr. Michael Obeng offered to help and successfully removed the glue from her hair for free. A large portion of the money made from her fundraiser will now be donated to Obeng’s nonprofit organization Restore Foundation, which provides free reconstructive surgery and medical services to battered and abused individuals across the world. The remaining money will go to three families in her Louisiana neighborhood.