As previously reported by REVOLT, on Friday (June 24), the Supreme Court voted in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade. The decision means that abortion rights would no longer be protected federally but instead vary from state to state. Yesterday (June 27), judges in Louisiana and Utah temporarily blocked “trigger laws” banning abortions.

For nearly 50 years, the constitution backed safe abortions for women through Roe v. Wade. Trigger laws (as they are called) were put in place by over a dozen states to ban or limit abortions in the event that Roe v. Wade was ever overturned.

Yesterday, Orleans Parish Civil District Judge Robin Giarrusso temporarily ruled that abortions would immediately resume in the state of Louisiana. Medical Students for Choice and Hope Medical Group for Women were named as plaintiffs. Utah Third District Judge Andrew Stone followed suit with a 14-day protection order. The state’s Planned Parenthood Association requested the action be granted. “There is irreparable harm that has been shown,” Stone said. “Affected women are deprived of safe, local medical treatments to terminate pregnancies.”

Sources say during last week’s ruling, the Planned Parenthood Association of Utah had over 55 abortions scheduled. Those appointments were canceled without notice. Over the weekend, an emergency request to resume the procedures was filed. According to Fox News, Giarrusso will hold a hearing on July 8 to determine if abortions will continue in Louisiana. Trigger laws in Louisiana would block all abortions except if the mother is facing death or serious injury. Cases of rape or incest would not be protected.

On Saturday (June 25), President Biden announced there may still be a chance to reverse the Supreme Court’s decision. “I’ve warned about how overturning Roe risks a broader right to privacy for everyone. The right to make the best decisions for your health. The right to marry the person you love. With your vote, you can act. You can have the final word. This is not over,” he tweeted.