The Lifetime Achievement award holds a ton of weight and is a huge accomplishment to achieve by way of the BET Awards. Through the years, some of the most iconic figures in music and media have been granted this prestigious award and our beloved Diddy was this year’s nominee. Rightfully so, Diddy deserved this award and everything great that is coming his way in the near future. Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds had the pleasure of presenting Diddy with the Lifetime Achievement Award and Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) also made a cameo to talk about Diddy’s impact on his life and gave him his flowers while he could still smell them.

No one expected Kanye West to make an appearance but we are all elated that he did. Of course, Ye is always going to stand out one way or another. He approached the stage wearing an all black ski mask, with black shades, some very expensive boots and coat with gloves on. During his speech, Ye gave some insight on how much Diddy influenced him and how he and his guys wanted to be just like Bad Boy Records in their younger days in Chicago. The start of it all was definitely attention grabbing: “How do we crown our kings? How do we appreciate our kings? To think how far we can just make it off inspiration.”

The entire audience was tapped in and focused 100% and it was evident they felt every word he said. Ye even went on to say (jokingly) that he was signed to Diddy without him even knowing. The entire moment was special seeing one legend admiring and appreciating another legend in real time.

Congratulations, Diddy!

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