The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden took place in Cleveland, Ohio on Tuesday (Sept. 29) night. Needless to say, it was the talk of the town — or shall we say tweets?
People all across the internet weren’t shy about voicing their opinions about what many considered to be an “embarrassing” or “shocking” debate that was hard to watch. From Twitter to Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and other social media platforms, the reactions of the night were priceless.
During the debate, Biden and Trump discussed the following topics in six 15-minute segments: The broadcast will consist of six 15-minute segments titled “The Trump and Biden Records,” “The Supreme Court,” “COCID-19,” “The Economy,” “Race and Violence in our Cities” and “The Integrity of the Election.”
Some topics had answers from the two that were deemed unbelievable. One example of this was when Trump refused to condemn white supremacy when moderator Chris Wallace asked him to. Trump even told them to “stand back and stand by.” What?!
There were even funny, yet jaw-dropping moments like when Biden seemed to get tired of Trump talking over him and told him a couple of times to “shut up.”
Biden, at one time, even called Trump a clown.
And let’s not even discuss that awkward moment when Trump mistakingly said that Biden went to Delaware State University, which is an HBCU. He actually meant University of Delaware. Trump also said that Biden wasn’t smart.
A lot of people didn’t enjoy Wallace as the event’s moderator either. Many felt like he didn’t have enough control over the night and Trump, who was interrupting nonstop.
“My job is to be as invisible as possible,” Wallace said before the debate, as he prepared for the big showdown. “I’m trying to get them to engage, to focus on the key issues, to give people at home a sense of, ‘Why I want to vote for one versus the other?’”
Many also didn’t like the fact that Trump brought of Joe’s son, the late Hunter Biden’s, drug addiction during the debate.
Check out some more social media reactions of the night below. And please, remember to #VoteOrDie on Nov. 3.