The “Power” universe came to life in 2014 when the show’s creator, Courtney Kemp, collaborated with Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson to produce the initial series, which lasted for six seasons. The crime drama gave rise to breakout stars like Michael Rainey Jr., who played Tariq St. Patrick in the original and is now the star of the popular STARZ spin-off that returned to television screens on June 7.
This season of “Power Book II: Ghost” follows Tariq and his internal battle against becoming like his father, James "Ghost" St. Patrick (Omari Hardwick) — all while he follows in his dad’s footsteps.
Per the show’s synopsis for season four, “New alliances have been formed with each faction, and Tariq and Brayden must find a way back into the game. But Brayden (Gianni Paolo) starts flirting with a new, reckless lifestyle, leaving Tariq to wonder if there really is room for two at the top. With Monet (Mary J. Blige) left for dead, Davis (Method Man) facing potential disbarment and Effie (Alix Lapri) looking to secure her future at Stanford, everyone’s on their own.” Does one of Tariq’s alliances include a possible partnership with shady lawyer Davis MacLean? Fans will have to watch and find out.
To the surprise of many “Power” franchise enthusiasts, STARZ announced that the fan-favorite spin-off will be coming to an end. In this exclusive interview with REVOLT, Rainey and Method Man chatted about the shocking announcement, expectations for season four, Tariq’s love life and more. Check out the conversation below.
Fans have been on a journey with Davis and Tariq. How have your characters evolved from season one to season four, especially with all the drama they've encountered together?
Michael Rainey Jr: For my character, he just started going through more. Stuff just started getting more and more difficult for him. Mistakes just started [rising], especially for season four. It's like he evolved to a point where he's not on defense [anymore]. He's on offense. He's pressing the button and going for everybody rather than waiting for people to come for him.
Method Man: And as far as Davis, he has a lot to deal with. I don't think he had these problems until he ran into Tariq. So those St. Patricks, man, [they] come with a lot of freaking baggage. But I was warned about that ahead of time.
As far as me and Tariq's relationship on the show, you would think that we would be closer, but he has trust issues and I'm a shady lawyer, so it is what it is at the end of the day, but they need each other. So, there it is: Necessity.

Are we going to see anything new develop with Tariq and Davis’ relationship?
Method Man: I think Tariq has a lot on his plate. I don't think Davis plays that much of a major factor to the point where [Tariq is] looking for alliances. Davis would be the last person I would go to, honestly — as far as alliances go. But like I said, it's a necessity and he needs [Davis]. So, Tariq being as smart and calculated as he is, he has some kind of plan not just for himself, but for Davis as well.
It seems like Tariq is basically becoming Ghost at this point. Do you think now that he's knee-deep in the game, he understands Ghost more?
Rainey: I feel like [Tariq] always kind of understood why his father did what [he] did. He’s come to a realization because he's been battling the fact that he's not his father for the longest [time]. He's been telling himself, “I'm not my dad. I'm nothing like my dad.” But this season, he kind of [realizes] that, “Yeah, maybe I am my father. Maybe I'm a little bit like [my father].” He's kind of a little bit more at peace with [it] this season.
Do you think Tariq respects Ghost more now?
Rainey: He definitely respects Ghost being that he's been put in similar situations that Ghost has been in, and he's had to operate and navigate kind of the same way that Ghost did. Like something as small as dressing up, going into the bathroom getting Lauren to cooperate with him. There [are] little things that are like, “My dad was pretty smart and I'm just following in his footsteps.”
Method Man, we have to talk about the dramatic actor you are. How has Davis shaped you as an actor? Will fans be seeing more of this side of you in the future?
Method Man: Here's the thing... Davis was a challenge for me. Again, I applaud [Courtney], I applaud Mark, I applaud 50 Cent for even giving me a shot to step so far outside of my character. There was this major thing of DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] going on. I mean the term even just sounds weird coming out now because we've moved so far past it, but that ship has sailed and a lot of Black actors, male Black actors, are finding it harder to find work, right?
So, when we're blessed enough to even have a show and even more blessed to get four seasons out of it, you have to take all of that into perspective and say, “What’s next for me?” The choice is going to be yours at the end of the day. And of course I want to do more dramatic things, but I want to challenge myself as well. So, whatever's out there, whatever's in the pot, I’m willing to take a look at [it] and see if it fits.
Michael, Tariq has found himself in a love square. Who do you think is the best partner for him?
Rainey: Diana is a good candidate because she knows what's up with him. She knows the type of life he's living. He doesn't really have to hide too much from her. The only thing is, he’s in business with her family and they don’t really rock with him like that. So that's kind of out of the playing cards... Unless Diana is ready to turn her back on the family and say, “F**k y'all. It’s over... It’s me and Tariq against the world,” then I don't know. I don't really see that.
Effie is the one who understands him the most. She understands him more than he understands himself, but you can't trust her either because she be doing some crazy stuff. She really be bugging. He'd be thinking he got her like, “Bet, I could trust you” and now look -- she’s with Cane like it's over. It's crazy.
And then Lauren -- I don't know -- that's too risky. She's not built for the life, like when the stuff hits the fan.
Method Man: But she’s pretty, though.
Rainey: But she FINE, though. But when stuff hits the fan, could [Tariq] really be like, “No, she’s not gonna say nothing crazy, she’s gonna hold it down”? I don't think so.
I feel like his best option would be Diana because all she has to do is just say, “F**k the family,” and get up out of there. Everyone else is a little too much of a risk.
Fans were outraged when STARZ announced this season would be the final one. How did you feel about the reaction?
Rainey: I mean, rightfully so. People want more “Power.” People want more Ghost. People want more everything. I feel like they had every right to be outraged.
Method Man: In the space that we're in and for the kind of television show that we have, I'm thankful. We were blessed enough to even get four seasons. Thanks to [the] people. You guys may want more, but I think that at the end of the day, be happy for [the actors, writers, creatives and everybody] who brought you this piece of work and move on.
The first season of “Power” aired in 2014, and it's been about 10 years of the “Power” universe existing. What does the franchise’s legacy mean to you and what impact do you think it's had on the culture?
Rainey: It means everything to me. Obviously, it changed my life. It put me on a platform [like] nothing I've done before. This was able to put me on. That alone just means the world to me, and the fact that they rolled the dice on me... They rolled the dice on me twice. They never had to build my storyline in season three of the original and then continue to build it to become a whole different spin-off.
Everything about the universe is just very special to me because I literally grew up with this show. I literally was on this before I was even a teenager. So now I’m about to be 24 years old, so this is a big part of my life. Shout out to [Courtney], shout out to [50 Cent]. Shout out to everybody who played a part in choosing me, for whatever I was chosen for, as far as my role in the universe.