As residents of Lewiston, Maine continue to mourn after their deadliest mass shooting that left 18 people dead and 13 others injured, new details regarding the suspected gunman have emerged.
According to documents obtained by ABC News, back in May, Robert Card’s ex-wife and their teenage son went to a local police department with concerns. In all caps at the top of the incident report from the responding officer, Sagadahoc County Deputy Chad Carleton, a notice advised to “USE CAUTION IF RESPONDING” to Robert’s home due to his “PARANOID BEHAVIOR” and that he has “10-15 FIREARMS” in his house and/or truck.
“I learned from [Robert’s son] that his father’s mental health is in question. [Robert’s son] told me that back around January, he noticed his father was starting to claim that people were saying things about him, while out in public,” Carleton wrote. The boy said that his father would “start to claim that people around them were talking about him” even when there was nobody in his presence. He added that his father was “likely hearing voices or starting to experience paranoia,” which was a “re-occurring theme” as Robert claimed disrespectful things were being said about him, “such as calling him a pedophile,” the officer continued.
The suspect’s paranoia and anger issues were then put on his family. The teenager recalled a time he visited his father back in April — he “became very angry, accusing him of saying things about him behind his back.” Carleton added, “Cara said she is very worried about [their son] spending time with Robert, considering what may be a deteriorating mental health condition… Cara also told me that Robert had recently picked up 10-15 handguns/rifles that had previously been stored at his brother Ryan Card’s house. [His son] said the majority of the guns are locked up in Robert’s bedroom but added he may have one in his truck. [Robert’s son] denied that Robert has done anything threatening with the guns, but is concerned that his father has them.”
More missed warning signs include that back in September, The Maine National Guard asked local police to check on Robert, after a soldier became concerned that the Army reservist would “snap and commit a mass shooting,” CNN reported. As previously reported by REVOLT, after a massive two-day manhunt, law enforcement confirmed on Friday (Oct. 27) that Robert was found dead from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.