On Friday (April 28), a 45-year-old California resident was found guilty of murder after a prank involving several neighborhood teens went terribly wrong. The young boys were playing a game of ding-dong ditch when they stopped at the wrong house.

The incident took place on Jan. 19, 2020. Anurag Chandra was sitting inside his Riverside County home when the group of teens began ringing his doorbell. He got up to answer and recalled seeing one of the boys flash his butt at him before the group ran off. According to The New York Post, Chandra had already drunk 12 beers that day and became “extremely, extremely mad” about their tomfoolery.

Chandra hopped into his vehicle and chased the teens as they hurried off in a Toyota Prius. During the chase, his car reached up to 99 mph. Eventually, the irate California man caught up to the boys and ran their car off a road in Temescal Valley, an area about 60 miles southeast of Los Angeles. After seeing their Prius strike a tree, Chandra fled the scene. Daniel Hawkins and Drake Ruiz of Corona and Jacob Ivascu of Riverside — all 16 years of age — were identified as victims of the deadly crash. Another three survived, including the 18-year-old driver and two 13-year-olds who were riding in the car at the time.

During last week’s sentencing, Chandra was found guilty of three counts of attempted murder and three counts of first-degree murder. He claimed he never meant to hurt anyone, and despite rear-ending their Prius, he didn’t think the kids who rang his doorbell were injured. California District Attorney Mike Hestrin released a statement after the sentencing. “The murder of these young men was a horrendous and senseless tragedy for our community,” he began. “I thank the jury for their verdict. This is an important step toward justice,” Hestrin added.