Today (July 15), NBC News confirmed Jayland Walker was shot 46 times by Akron, Ohio police on June 27. Earlier reports stated the 25-year-old Black man was shot over 60 times during a traffic stop. The confirmation comes from the Summit County medical examiner.

After conducting an autopsy, Medical Examiner Lisa Kohler spoke at a news conference stating that Walker’s injuries were from entrance and graze wounds. There were 17 gunshots to his legs and pelvis, 15 wounds to his torso, eight to his arms and right hand, five to his knees, lower right leg and right foot, and one bullet to his face. A toxicology screening revealed Walker had no substances or alcohol in his system. According to Kohler, his death has been ruled a homicide.

Although he died from 46 gunshot wounds, he was reportedly shot at over 90 times by a group of eight officers. Following Walker’s death, the Akron Fraternal Order of Police released a statement saying, “We believe the independent investigation will justify the officers’ actions, including the number of shots fired. The decision to deploy lethal force as well as the number of shots fired is consistent with use of force protocols and officers’ training.” Walker’s death sparked civil unrest and the community gathered calling for change. Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan said that he and his family received threats.

Walker was laid to rest yesterday (July 14). As Bishop Timothy Clarke spoke at the funeral, he said, “This is not all right. There’s nothing right about this. We should not be here. And Jayland should not be in that box.” Judy Hill of the Akron NAACP spoke at a community meeting requesting that protesting stop temporarily. Hill said it would resume after “48 hours” once Walker’s family had time to bury his body in peace.