Since its inception, REVOLT has remained dedicated to be a resounding voice for Black communities across the globe. This month, we will be utilizing AI imagery and technology to continue that mission full speed ahead.

REVOLT has launched its “Imagine If” Black History Month campaign, which gives creators the ability to challenge historical distortion and reshape the portrayal of Blackness in media. For the entire month of February, select artists and writers will utilize our digital resources to depict a Black future with zero constraints — all with the aid of artificial intelligence.

Historically, outside entities have dictated the stories of the Black community, which frequently led to our misrepresentation in media. However, REVOLT is determined to change that by providing AI artists and storytellers — the latter whose work you’ll be able to read in social captions — complete autonomy for 29 consecutive days.

This initiative marks the amalgamation of Black creativity and the fast-evolving science behind AI. The primary goal is to break free from conventional boundaries and showcase the powerful impact that occurs when Black artists and writers are given the ability to shape their own narratives. All in all, the “Imagine If” campaign will celebrate the boundless possibilities of art and provide an immersive experience that empowers and amplifies. Throughout February, those creatives will takeover REVOLT’s social media channels and explore uncharted territories through their unique creations.

Make sure to stay tuned for regular updates as REVOLT pushes out this groundbreaking campaign and celebrate Black History Month by using the future to help reshape our history. The “Imagine If” campaign isn’t simply an exhibition. It’s an extension of our platform that emboldens Black creators to take back their stories and show the limitless potential of artistic expression.

You can check out additional information about our movement here. Happy Black History Month!