On Monday (Jan. 8), Bruce Bruce paid a visit to the “Kenny Smoov Morning Show” at 92Q in Nashville, TN to promote an upcoming event. During the chat, the hosts brought up Katt Williams and the now-viral “Club Shay Shay” interview. As part of his perspective on the matter, Bruce first gave Steve Harvey his flowers by recalling past advice that he uses to this day.

“I used to dress in Hip Hop [styles]. You know, Karl Kani, Sean John. I’m on stage wit’ it, [and] Steve said, ‘That stuff you got on look good when you’re traveling. When you go on stage, you need to give ’em something.’ That’s what made me start wearing suits,” he explained. “A lot of these comedians in big places and big positions, they do take jokes from the little guys, you know what I’m saying? And Kat, he’s just callin’ out everybody. But he did his thing, and the ratings are gonna be good. His tickets are gonna sell-out.”

Bruce then acknowledged Williams’ talents and admitted that he wouldn’t have taken a public diss from his peer very kindly. “It would’ve been some furniture moving. [I would’ve flown] to LA,” he stated before referencing a legendary wrestler to make his point. “I would’ve walked in there like I’m Stone Cold [Steve Austin]. I’d walk through that door, somebody [would’ve] thrown me a beer. I would’ve went to work on him, baby.”

He continued, “‘Cause I’m like this: I’m real. If you got a problem with me, come talk to me. Don’t talk about me, come talk to me like a man, and let’s get it out, let’s work it out. But, you know, you’re throwing it out [there for] the whole world to know. And if it’s a lie, it’s really gonna be some problems.” While Bruce hoped that the all parties can eventually reconcile, he made it clear that he isn’t holding his breath.