On Saturday (March 11), a TikTok user named Jake Metrov posted a clip of himself encountering a “Karen” in her natural habitat. The unidentified older woman approached his car and asked him to prove he belonged in the neighborhood.

“Karen attacked me [and] wants me to prove I live in my neighborhood,” was written over the footage. The video appeared to begin after the two have already had some sort of confrontation. “Yeah, I do,” she was heard saying. Metrov responded, “You have no right.” During their entire recorded interaction, he was sitting in the driver’s seat of a vehicle as she stood in the doorway, blocking his attempt to close the door. “I need you to remove yourself from the vehicle,” he sternly demanded.

“Call the police. I’m ready to talk to them,” the neighborhood Karen fired back. “Because you will then prove to them that you’re supposed to be here,” she boldly added. As she continued to insist that law enforcement officers be involved, Metrov calmly asked, “Why would I call the police on myself?” Without responding, the woman gave a dumbfounded look. After several seconds of awkward silence, he continued to ask her to leave, even stating that it was “unsafe” for her to be standing in the street with his door extended into oncoming traffic. Still, she refused to budge.

Since the video was posted just days ago, it’s already amassed over 160,000 likes. One commenter asked, “Why do these Karens always ask for proof of residence like? Do YOU live here?” Another wrote, “​​You’re way [too] nice. I would remove her all by myself.” Metrov uploaded another clip later that day saying that the older woman also began hitting him after the video stopped recording, but he plans to sue. “And you have to remember, any action I do to her, I have to explain later in court. So if I did do that, I just look like the ‘violent, not white person’ attacking this white woman. You know? She has the privilege,” he said in a separate response to someone who asked, “Did you push her down?”

@jakemetrov Replying to @soupcon ♬ original sound – jakemtrovv