On Tuesday (Jan. 31), four individuals were taken into United States custody to face accusations related to the assassination of former Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. Haitian American citizens James Solages, 37, and Joseph Vincent, 57, along with Colombian citizen German Alejandro Rivera Garcia, 44, have been hit with conspiracy charges over Moïse’s death. In addition, Christian Sanon, 54, has also been charged for smuggling equipment to Haiti. They join Mario Antonio Palacios, 43, Rodolphe Jaar, 49, and Joseph Joel John, 51, who were arrested by authorities last year.

As explained in a statement released by the Justice Department, Solages, Vincent, Rivera, and others allegedly took part in communications with an intent to forcibly remove Moïse from his post. Solages is said to have moved guns, tear gas, grenades, bulletproof vests, and more from Florida to the Caribbean island under false pretenses. “Private military forces” in Haiti, which allegedly included Colombians led by Garcia, proceeded to carry out Moïse’s assassination in July of 2021.

As previously reported by REVOLT, Moïse’s body was found in his bedroom “lying on his back [with] blue pants, a white shirt smeared with blood, his mouth open, [and] his left eye blown out,” as stated by Pétion-Ville official Carl Henry Destin. Twelve holes were also found on the late president, including presumed entry points in his forehead, each nipple, his hip, and his abdomen. First Lady Martine Moïse was injured in the attack and was treated for gunshot wounds at Florida’s Ryder Trauma Center. “We are chasing them so that either in the exchange of fire they will be killed or we will apprehend them,” then-Police Chief Leon Charles said about the assailants at the time. “We will continue to hunt them down.”

The four suspects are expected to appear in a Miami court later today (Feb. 1). Solages, Vincent and Garcia face up to life imprisonment, while Sanon faces 20 years if convicted.