On Wednesday (Jan. 18), it was reported by WESH 2 that an AP African American Studies course that’s offered by the College Board has been rejected in Florida. In an obtained letter from the state’s Department of Education, the agency claimed that the course goes against Governor Ron DeSantis’ Stop W.O.K.E. Act and “significantly lacks educational value.” It also noted that “if the course comes into compliance and incorporates historically accurate content, the Department will reopen the discussion.”

The College Board has since provided a statement to WESH 2 in response: “Like all new AP courses, AP African American Studies is undergoing a rigorous, multi-year pilot phase, collecting feedback from teachers, students, scholars and policymakers. The process of piloting and revising course frameworks is a standard part of any new AP course, and frameworks change significantly as a result. We look forward to publicly releasing the updated course framework as soon as it is completed and well before this class is widely available in American high schools.”

The official website for the College Board reveals that the AP African American Studies program “is in development” and is “being piloted in select U.S. high schools through 2024.” The page also described the course’s content in detail:

“Drawing from the expertise and experience of college faculty and teachers across the country, the course is designed to offer high school students an evidence-based introduction to African American studies. The interdisciplinary course reaches into a variety of fields — literature, the arts and humanities, political science, geography, and science — to explore the vital contributions and experiences of African Americans.”

Nikki Taylor, the chair of Howard University‘s history department, further explained the importance of such a lesson plan for the country: “A solid understanding of how African Americans have shaped America, its history, laws, institutions, culture and arts, and even the current practice of American democracy, sharpens all knowledge about our nation.”