Election season is here and political candidates are doing everything in their power to have their voices and values heard. However, according to a former flame, one candidate, in particular, is contradicting himself. Herschel Walker’s ex-girlfriend has come forward to say the pro-life Republican running for a seat in Georgia’s Senate paid for her abortion.

The woman, who asked to remain anonymous, spoke exclusively with The Daily Beast claiming she became pregnant while dating Walker in 2009. She said the former NFL player told her now was “not the right time” for a child and asked her to terminate the pregnancy. Her proof in the matter is a personal check from him and a “get well” card.

Walker’s ex said the Republican gave her a $700 check for the $575 procedure. The woman claimed she spent the $125 difference on traveling expenses and recovery costs. She said at the time, she did not know he already had an “out-of-wedlock child” with another woman that same year.

The revelation couldn’t have come at a more critical time. While campaigning for this year’s election, Walker has made it clear that he is against abortions. According to multiple reports, he’s even gone so far as to say there’s “no exception” in the event of incest, rape or the well-being of the expecting mother. His ex-girlfriend said she came forward because she “just can’t with the hypocrisy anymore,” adding that “we all deserve better.”

After the conversation with the anonymous woman, The Daily Beast requested a statement from Walker. His representatives have denied the woman’s claims. His attorney Robert Ingram said, “This is a false story.” Ingram added, “All you want to do is run with stories to target Black conservatives. You focus on Black conservatives.”

Once the story went public yesterday (Oct. 3), Walker called the woman’s accusations a “flat-out lie” and shared that he planned to sue the publication.