NLE Choppa recently revealed that he has been compared to Michael Jackson and Tupac Shakur.
During an interview with Power 106 Los Angeles, the “Walk Em Down” emcee said people compared him to the greats because of his energy and beliefs. “I don’t know, I feel like I get a lot of Michael Jackson ’cause of the type of energy I bring,” he said. “Somebody even said I look like him, [but] I don’t know about that. … And I get 2Pac, too, because of what I stand for, what type of principles I stand for outside of music. With me, it’s not about the music all the time, it’s about who I can impact. Whose life I can change.”
After his comments started to surface on social media, NLE took to Twitter to clarify his remarks. “These comparisons got nothing to do with me MUSICALLY,” he tweeted. “Everything to do with what I stand for outside of it. I’m prolific I stand for some that can change the world.”
Aside from music, the “Camelot” rapper has been urging people to live a healthier lifestyle — by going vegan and using herbs to cure diseases and illnesses. Back in June, the Memphis native said he helped cure someone of cancer.
After receiving backlash from several fans about the accuracy of his statement, he explained how the patient was allegedly cured. “It’s funny cause some people think I’m lying, which is understandable, but that’s nowhere near the case,” he tweeted at the time. “Curing disease is simple, it takes a meatless, dairy-free, sugar-free diet. Implant herbs, Sea mosses, black seed, neem, and other herbs. My mugwort was included in her diet.”
NLE also has a website, which he uses to sell items such as seamoss, chlorophyll, detox tea, mugwort, rosemary and incense.
Check out NLE’s interview below.