Michelle Obama has spent the last few months backing Joe Biden in his presidential campaign. Today (Nov. 3), she shared some final thoughts about the former vice president and his capacity to govern the United States.

“After seeing the presidency up close for eight years, the most important thing I’ve learned about the job is this: How a president focuses their time and energy in office is a direct reflection of the life they lived before entering the White House. A president’s policies are a direct reflection of their values,” she wrote in a Facebook post.

“I know Joe. He’s a good man who understands the struggles of everyday folks,” she continued, noting “his deep faith” has helped him overcome many obstacles in his lifetime, including the death of his baby daughter and eldest son.

“Joe has lived his life guided by values and principles that mirror ones that most Americans can recognize. It is that spirit and determination that will make Joe the kind of president we need right now. One who will continue to put the needs of the country before his own, who will get our economy back on track and will ensure that all families can get back on their feet.”

Obama has been supporting Biden’s run to become POTUS while simultaneously denouncing Donald Trump’s presidency.

Last month, in her “Closing Argument” for the Biden campaign, she criticized Trump for “his constant downplaying of the importance of masks” and pressure to reopen schools “without a clear plan” during the Coronavirus pandemic.

“Let’s be honest. Right now, our country is in chaos because of a president who isn’t up to the job,” the former First Lady said at the time. “If we want to regain any kind of stability, we’ve got to ensure that every eligible voter is informed and engaged in this election — because the stakes are on display every day.”

Obama also encouraged early voting ahead of Election Day, while her husband, Barack Obama, hit the campaign trail alongside Biden in the final days before the election.