Over the last few days, several protests have taken place, calling for justice for the unfortunate death of George Floyd, who died at the hands of police brutality last week. On Sunday (March 31), Tory Lanez hopped on Twitter to encourage his peers not to condemn protesting and the destruction of commercial properties.

In his tweets posted to social media, Lanez explained that businesses have insurance, which helps with property damage. He also noted that human lives are not as replaceable.

“When my rich celeb friends in they house and on the gram like, ‘Stop looting u f—king up our business,’ Y’all can miss me with that sh-t,” Lanez tweeted. “Y’all n—s is rich! Y’all not feeling the pain of these people out there that done lost they job and are deeply affected by this.”

He continued, “N—as wanna cry about protecting these businesses of these huge brands and corporations from looting …. AS IF THESE STORES DONT GOT INSURANCE TO GET ALL THAT S—T BACK! I don’t condone looting . But the people gone do what they feel is right. Period.”

Before ending his series of tweets, Lanez explained that he isn’t fond of opinions that suggest black people are to blame. “And to any of my black peers in this entertainment industry …. if your opinion on this matter at hand is ANYTHING along the lines of, ‘We need to blame ourselves … and it’s not the cops fault’ or ‘[You] gotta look at both sides,’ personally from me to u … F—K OUTTA HERE,” he wrote.

Lanez’s series of tweets came after he went on the frontlines and joined the protests of many others. He revealed that he plans on taking the same course of action today (May 31). “I’m marching with the people today just like yesterday ….. and again ….. and again and again until we are heard #TheProblemIsBiggerThanUs …… #NoJusticeNoPeace,” he wrote.

Take a look at Tory Lanez’s tweets below.