Meek Mill took to Twitter to reveal that COVID-19 has directly affected his family. The Championships rapper urged people to take the virus more seriously and stay inside.

Covid hitting family members and friends Now,” he tweeted. “Go in the house!”

“My uncle called me from the hospital sounding like he critical condition from covid-19,” he wrote. “He just was healthy weeks ago! Don’t go outside and walk a deadly virus in the house with your family! (fallback) pls.”

Meek’s tweets serve as a reminder that COVID-19 can affect anyone. According to the latest update on the CDC website, there are approximately 213,144 cases in the United States. There have been approximately 4,513 COVID-19 related deaths in the country.

States such as Florida, New York, and Illinois have been placed under stay at home orders. If you are a non-essential worker, you are only allowed to leave your home for doctor’s appointments, pharmaceutical needs, groceries, and gas. Restaurants, bars, parks, and other public places have been closed to help slow the spread of Coronavirus.

While not too many other details are known about his uncle’s condition, Meek has used his platform to help keep prisoners safe from Coronavirus. Meek’s REFORM Alliance has established a recommended policy to stop the spread of COVID-19 in prisons.

The policy, called the S.A.F.E.R. Plan, advises governors around the country to suspend probation visits, technical violation and any fines and fees. REFORM also suggested that governors find alternatives to imprisonment, provide extra precaution for prison staff, release the vulnerable and elderly to home confinement, offer provide free medical visits and provide protective gear.

REFORM Alliance has also launched an online petition to help encourage officials to protect the prisoners during this time.

The petition reads: “Failing to act could expose tens of thousands of people in prisons and jails across the country to the virus. Given the crowded nature of our correctional institutions, an outbreak is likely and would not only endanger people in prisons but also correctional staff and outside communities.”

Check out Meek’s tweets below.