While President Trump has extended the social distancing guideline through the end of April, everyone has a lot of free time on their hands. After multiple artists went on Instagram Live to battle it out with their music, many fans are making up their own battles on social media. Trey Songz and Usher are the latest two to have their catalogue of music compared.

While Usher’s Confessions album is hailed as one of the best R&B albums of all-time, Trey has quite the catalogue himself with I Gotta Make It, Trey Day and his Anticipation mixtapes.

One social media user tweeted, “Shoot I wanna see Trey Songz vs Usher. I went down a list of their 10 most popular songs and SHEESH.”

Another user tweeted, “Just Gotta Make It, Trey Day, Anticipation, Ready, Pleasure Passion Pain… And you telling me Usher gonna win off Confessions?”

A third user tweeted, “Usher vs Trey? There’s no comparison here lol. Usher is the MJ of R&B, while Trey Songz is James Harden. He’s a great artist, but Usher is the Goat 🐐 🤷🏾‍♂️.”

Earlier today (Mar. 30), fans compared production between Quincy Jones and Kanye West. While many people believe that it wouldn’t be any competition for Jones, DJ Green Villain believes that West’s production on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is better than Jones’ production on Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

He tweeted, “Look, y’all wanna RT some shit put this out there, I’ll go song for song. Kanye vs Quincy Jones production. I’m puttin money up on it. If you not gonna go song for song for money, stop mentioning me.”

His opinion was met by heavy criticism by social media users, including that of Chuck D.

“People that don’t know Quincy Jones work obviously and clearly use their phones for a toy rather than a tool,” Chuck tweeted.

Let’s end the debate right here, right now. Who do you think has a better catalogue of music between Trey Songz and Usher?

Check out some Twitter reactions below.