Lizzo took a body image-shaming tweet from Dr. Boyce Watkins as an opportunity to assert her talent.

Last week, Dr. Watkins addressed the “Good As Hell” singer on Twitter.

“#Lizzo popular is because there is an obesity epidemic in America. Rather than encouraging people to do better, we are simply lying to them and telling them that they are just fine the way they are,” he wrote. “Unfortunately, Many of these people are dying from diabetes and heart disease.”

On Monday (Dec. 23), Lizzo responded to the tweet with a fiery comeback.

“I’m popular because I write good songs and I’m talented and perform high energy hour and a half shows filled with love,” she wrote on the social media platform. “The only person who needs to do better is you.”

“Keep my name out ya mouth & look in the mirror before you come for me,” the tweet continued. “Here’s the attention you ordered.”

After Lizzo’s response, several fans came to the singer’s defense, citing her body positivity message.

“I’m really trying to understand how he managed to fit the definition of ignorance in less than 150 characters,” one person tweeted.

“Oooo…Boyce is messin’ with the wrong lady,” another wrote. “I guess he didn’t hear about them DNA test results.”

Still, Dr. Watkins responded to Lizzo’s tweet, writing, “I would never disagree with the fact that you are extremely talented. But you are naïve if you think White people would be buying your records if you were also not overweight, Raunchy and fulfilling a racial stereotype.”

“Many #blackpeople are uncomfortable with your performance,” he continued.

Lizzo declined to respond to Dr. Watkins’ second tweet. Through several interviews, the chart-topping breakout star and TIME Entertainer of the Year has made self-love and positivity fundamental values of her career.

“It took me a long time to be self-confident and I think it’s because I had to see the superstar in me, because I didn’t have a superstar to look up to,” she told Entertainment City. “Body positivity, to me, is the opposite of body negativity, which is this thing that the media has kind of created in order to sell a product, and it seems pretty harmless… but it’s hurt so many people.”

“We can change the world by learning to love ourselves first,” she continued.