When was the last time you challenged yourself to live more fearlessly and authentically? If you’re ready to take that step, then “human2human” is the podcast that will reignite your passion for personal growth and transformation. The show is hosted by Stacy Ike, a masterful interviewer and self-proclaimed “recovering perfectionist.” Prepare to be inspired as she engages in thoughtful and relatable conversations with celebrities, professionals, creators, and tastemakers. With each episode, Ike guides listeners through what it means to be human by confronting the ugly, celebrating the good, and acknowledging the special moments that lie in between.

While she’s known for leading the discussions, Ike isn’t afraid to turn the spotlight on herself and share her own moments of vulnerability. Her mission is to give others the space to honor themselves, build stronger relationships, and understand that there is beauty and power in everyone’s story.

Get to know more about the woman behind the mic below in this insightful interview and head over to the REVOLT Podcast Network to tune into her show.

What inspired you to create “human2human” and dive deep into self-reflection and wellness?

I have always been fascinated by the human experience and, even more so, the nuances that come with it. The deeper inspiration came when I started confronting my humanity, including my shame, my fears, and healing head-on. There were so many things I thought I was dealing with alone, but when I took off my armor, leaned into my vulnerability, and owned my experiences, I found relatability, connection and healing. I was determined to create that space for as many people as possible… to be seen, held, and heard. That led to the “human2human” podcast, a space to reimagine interpersonal relationships with others and ultimately ourselves.

What techniques do you use to navigate challenging interviews with grace and authenticity?

In the beginning of any conversation, I set a tone of empathy as the driving force of my curiosity, which lets the guests know I am not here for a scandal but rather to be a safe space. This allows the guests to feel comfortable to share their insights and experiences without shame. Also, listening is the most important tool to use as an interviewer. I ask follow-up questions based on what is being said, not just what I want to ask next, and it leads to an even more fruitful and transparent conversation. And lastly, thoughtfulness. Whether we are exploring a lighter topic or something more challenging, my through line is to be attentive, considerate, and thoughtful.

You often reference your Nigerian-American heritage on the show and social media. How has that pride in your culture shaped the way you see the world?

It is such a privilege to have two viewpoints to access the world. Growing up, it wasn’t very cool to be Nigerian, and it was much easier to fit in and only lean on one side of my identity. As I got older, I saw the bridge of having two heritages created within my interpersonal relationships, and I enjoyed how much it deepened my relationships with others and, ultimately, with myself. I am so proud of where I come from. I am proud of the nuances it took for my parents to raise children far from their homeland, and still instill tradition and culture with no roadmap — I honor that. Celebrating my identity and the duality in which I understand the world translates into my work, as I feel very comfortable seeing both sides of most situations and leaving room for nuance, understanding, and deeper belonging.

When was the last time you took a risk that paid off in a big way?

[Last year], I went to London for the first time to follow an inkling I had in [January 2023]. I have had the global citizen bug for a while and I told myself that if I was going to host the “human2human” podcast, I wanted to meet as many humans as possible. That was a great decision.

Can you share a favorite moment or episode where you felt a profound connection with a guest?

Honestly, I have had multiple favorite moments on the show. If I have to narrow it down, I would say my episodes with Neale Donald Walsch and Kelly Rowland were really big episodes for me. I loved watching these two guests share parts of themselves that they didn’t plan on sharing but felt safe to do so. That is such a gift and an honor, and I don’t take it lightly that they went on a journey of vulnerability, relatability, and healing through our conversations.

It takes a lot of confidence to put yourself out there and chase your dreams unapologetically. How do you handle moments of self-doubt or Imposter Syndrome?

I don’t believe in Imposter Syndrome anymore. After my “human2human” episode with Daria Burke where she literally exposed the lack of trust, growth, and belief that having Imposter Syndrome reveals, I had to put it down for good. I am never an imposter. I am either learning something or have mastered something and believing that is a much better use of my energy. Regarding self-doubt, this is a part of the creative process that I had to embrace because it is inevitable. When these moments do arise, I lean on my community to help me see myself and I am grateful that this is still such a powerful tool in my toolkit.

How do you continuously seek improvement in your craft as a producer and host?

I am always studying and I am always asking questions. Sometimes I will watch old interviews and see where I can improve and where I excelled. I keep mentors around me and am comfortable to be wrong or try a different approach. And lastly, I practice what I preach by leaning into my own humanity. I practice communication and deepening my understanding of people through my own relationships and experiences, and this inevitably filters back into how I do my job as a host and producer.

What is a surprising talent or hobby that your listeners may not know about?

According to my little brother, I am pretty good at getting out of “bad situations” (laughs). I’ll leave that one right there. On another note, I’m still working on my hobby list. Hopefully, the next time you ask me, I’ll be telling you about the new languages I can speak (laughs).

What topics or concepts are you excited to explore more on “human2human”?

I want to continue to explore expectations and what a healthy relationship with expectations looks like. I’d like to explore rejection and how we can use rejection to see the bigger picture. I’m deeply moved by family dynamics and exploring ways to have deeper relationships with those we are assigned to in this lifetime. I’d like to explore love and how we can continue to refine our view of love for ourselves and in our relationships.