On Oct. 20, 2021, 26-year-old Jaynisha “Jayla” Williams and her mother, Latoshia Leggett, traveled to Best U Now cosmetic surgery center in Plantation, Florida so the young woman could receive a breast augmentation and a Brazilian butt lift. Unfortunately, Wiliams never woke up from the surgery.

Local news station NBC Miami 6 originally published the story last week and released an updated version today (Dec. 19). According to Leggett, she flew in from California to attend her daughter’s procedure and waited in the facility’s lobby as doctors worked on Williams. “I was asking every hour, ‘How’s my daughter doing? How are things going?’ and they kept telling me, ‘She’s OK. Everything is fine,’” the grieving mother recalled. As time passed, other patients exited, but Williams never appeared. Soon after, an ambulance arrived with its sirens blaring.

“The ambulance pulled up. That’s when I said, ‘Excuse me, can somebody tell me what’s going on?’” Leggett said to the news station. As Williams’ body was rolled out of the building on a stretcher, staff from the Best U Now cosmetic surgery center delivered devastating news. “They politely grabbed me and said, ‘Your daughter is dead,’” she revealed. A report from the Broward Medical Examiner’s Office noted, “The procedure was completed, but [Williams] never awoke from the anesthesia.” Her cause of death was listed as undetermined. Since the tragedy, the Florida Health Department has filed administrative complaints against the facility, as well as Dr. John Edward Nees, the designated physician for Best U Now.

Reports later revealed that an OBGYN named Dr. Millicent Muir gave Williams the anesthesia she never woke up from. The victim’s family says no one from the surgery center has reached out to them following their loss. The 26-year-old left behind two young children, ages 5 and 2. “It’s hard. They ask if they can go to heaven to see their mom. They don’t understand,” Leggett tearfully said during an interview with NBC Miami 6.