Tony Boseman, the uncle of late actor Chadwick Boseman, has been found after being reported missing. He was last seen Sunday (Sept. 4) in Anderson County, South Carolina. Tony was located by the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office yesterday (Sept. 6).
The ACSO called for the public’s help finding the elderly man in a Facebook post. The department shared that they were “currently investigating a missing persons case.” It continued, “Tony Boseman was last seen in the Boseman Road area in Anderson around 3:30 p.m. today, Sept. 4.” The alert mentioned that Tony “was wearing camo pants, a green shirt, black shoes and a Los Angeles baseball cap” when he disappeared. He suffers from dementia and type 2 diabetes.
Those with information regarding his whereabouts were urged to “contact the ACSO at 864-260-4444 and reference case number 2022-12320.” Yesterday, they updated the post by saying, “Boseman has been located.” ACSO Public Information Officer Shale Remien shared more details regarding the case.
“Just before 2 p.m., the Sheriff’s Office [and South Carolina Law Enforcement Division/SLED] teamed up and came across him on foot around half a mile away from his house — which is ironic because we’ve searched miles, but it’s understandable because it’s a [wooded] area, almost like a wooden ditch,” Remien said.
The public information officer noted that this isn’t the first time Tony has wandered off: “He has been reported missing a time or two here. We’re hoping that this is the last and they can come up with some sort of game plan moving forward.”
Remien added that the department pulled together all of its resources for the rescue. “[We were] searching the grounds, air, water, all the different ways you can search, a hands-on effort,” she said. After officials found him “severely dehydrated,” he was airlifted to Prisma Health, a nearby hospital.