“The Pivot,” hosted by Channing Crowder and former NFL stars Fred Taylor and Ryan Clark, welcomed UFC Hall of Famer Daniel Cormeir to the show fresh off the heels of his 2022 Hall Of Fame induction in Las Vegas. Cormeir spoke candidly about his upbringing and watching his parents work hard.
Speaking on the advantages of his childhood, he said, “It’s motivating seeing my father do work for the city of Lafayette. When he’d get off, he’d take a shower – because he always took a bath – then go wash dishes at a pizza parlor. 40 bucks. Every day he would wash dishes. I would see my mom doing house cleaning and stuff. I’d see how hard they worked because my parents never wanted to take government assistance. We needed it, but they didn’t want to take it.”
Chiming in on Cormeir’s comments about his dad bathing, Crowder admitted in the clip below, “DC, I don’t bathe that often.” The former UFC fighter responded in shock, “You don’t take a shower?” Crowder responded, “I don’t think you need to wash that much.” He seemed to be alone on that boat but went on to explain his stance: “Two times a week, three times max.” He added, “I could rinse off … but all that washing, sitting down, and putting soap on,” while shaking his head “no.”
DC suggested, “Take a shower. I think taking a bath is nasty.” But Crowder doubled down on his claims. He said, “The funny thing is the hot spots. Think about it, have you ever had your forearms stink? Your underarms, your crotch, your booty, and your feet. So you just hit a hotspot. I get in the shower and not a drop of water touches my calf or forearms. I wash under my arms, I wash my crotch, my a**, my face, and my feet. That’s the only thing that stinks. I never heard anyone say, ‘Your back smell nasty.’”