Earlier this month, Sainvil dropped off his They’re All Goblins project. The 13-track body of work includes features from names like Flipp Dinero, BEAM, and Yung Baby Tate. Today (Sept. 28), he keeps the momentum alive by sharing his brand new visual for “Heal Myself,” the album’s outro track. The 3D video is directed by Hannan Hussian and takes you deep inside the animated mind of Sainvil as you watch as he battles his inner goblins:
All the bullshit that they told you baby, that ain’t so/ This hole that we polluted, it might melt tonight, what we doin’ people, only two types/ Either you gon’ play, before you die, don’t waste the motivation, it’s a source of life/ They want you to kill yourself or heal yourself
Sainvil had this to say when asked about the video inspiration: “This song is about healing your emotional trauma away from the distraction of the world. Healing in a way that’s only for yourself, and not for the entertainment of others.”
The They’re All Goblins project features previously released singles “On My Own” featuring BEAM and “Oouu.” Earlier this year, Sainvil shared his single “California Raindrops.” He then continued his momentum by dropping off another cut for fans to enjoy titled “Ashley” while recruiting Guapdad 4000 for the assist.
In a recent conversation, Sainvil delved into his creative process when it comes to his visuals, citing Childish Gambino as one of his inspiration and also shouting out “Heal Myself” director Hussain a shout out. “Me and my creative director, Hannan Hussain, we collaborate on everything creative. I have aspirations to be in film and to make movies one day. One of my greatest inspirations is Childish Gambino. I like to have this healthy competition in my head to outdo the people that I admire.”
Be sure to press play on Sainvil’s brand new music video for “Heal Myself” down below.