A woman who was caught on camera hitting a Black jogger with a glass bottle and yelling racial slurs was arrested on Monday (Sep. 21).

Lorena Delaguna was apprehended by the NYPD after she threw a glass bottle at Tiffany Johnson as she was jogging by. She is now facing charges of felony assault and aggravated harassment as hate crimes, according to the NY Daily News.

“I hope she’s learned her lesson from this,” Johnson told the outlet after hearing about the arrest. “I just want to move forward.”

She added, “I’m so exhausted by all of this. I want to put it all behind me.”

The incident took place in Queens, New York on Aug. 17. Delaguna was caught on camera yelling at Johnson to “Get the fuck out!” She also yelled, “Why aren’t you in Africa, motherfucker n*gger!” She then threw a glass bottle at the woman as she was jogging by. Luckily, it did not hit her.

“She was so loud and aggressive,” Johnson recalled during an interview with ABC 7. “She did call me the N-word, and I mean I’m not an N-word — none of us are — but the reality is that this woman felt that she needed me to be that and I would just say that she needs to look into herself as to why.”

Johnson did not report the incident until a friend showed her the cellphone footage that was taken by a stranger. The video went viral on social media and people were outraged that a Black woman was targeted for simply no reason at all.

Delaguna, who lives a few blocks from the scene of the crime, has a lengthy rap sheet. She has nine prior arrests dating back to 2014 for burglary, graffiti and menacing. She was taken to Queens Central Booking for arraignment.

If you missed the video of the disturbing incident, check it out below.