Former NFL player-turned-doctor, Myron Rolle, is looking for ways to prevent others from contracting Coronavirus.

The former Tennessee Titans player, who is currently studying at Massachusetts General Hospital as a third-year resident, opened up about his experience working with patients who contracted the virus. “I went down to the emergency department, and as I was walking through the emergency department I was seeing so many individuals with respiratory distress and respiratory compromise, and the numbers are staggering,” Rolle told ESPN during an interview. “Our neurosurgical floor has been transformed into a floor just full of COVID-19 patients. He added, “It is hectic, that’s for sure.”

Back in 2013, Rolle decided to retire from his football career after being drafted three years prior. In 2017, he felt extreme gratitude after he found out the exciting news that he was accepted into Harvard Medical School’s neurosurgery program. The 33-year-old reasoned that his experience playing ball prepared him for his new endeavor.

“Football has never left me,” Rolle said. “I still wake up in the morning and think of the operating room like a game, like it’s showtime, let’s perform. I gotta do what I gotta do because people are counting on us right now. This is our time to help very sick people. So that motivation continues to drive me every single day.”

Rolle is not the only athlete to speak out about the importance of being aware during Coronavirus. Boston Celtics player, Jaylen Brown, explained that having a routine while practicing social distancing precautionary measures has helped with his mental state.

“You gotta have a routine. I think that’s the most important thing,” Brown said. “Especially now, with the resources and the essence that we normally have, it’s there. There’s so much power in having a routine. I think a lot of young people can implement that into their daily structure and they will see a big difference. For me, two days ago, I wrote out a list of things that I wanted to get done and how I’m going to go about doing it. So, I have everything scheduled out.”