“Maconomics” is a weekly series on REVOLT TV, where Wall Street’s premier rapper Ro$$ Mac shares tips about making your money work for you for a change. Catch the insightful advice on it and start watching your pockets grow.

On this episode of “Maconomics” with Mac Ro$$, the finance guru shares the easiest and simplest ways to own real estate.

Real estate investment is a great way to grow your money and there are many ways to do it. The thought of making the leap into real estate investment may bring up feelings of anxiety, but it’s the wisest financial risk you can take.

Whether you want to purchase a home to flip it for profit using a government loan or just want to invest silently on the side through REITs, Mac Ro$$ breaks down how easy it is to own real estate property.

Easiest/Cheapest Way To Own Real Estate

1. Types of real estate

There are four different types of real estate and they include, residential, commercial, industrial, and land.

Residential real estate is the type of property most people are familiar with. It includes single-family homes, condominiums and townhouses, among other types.

Commercial real estate includes shopping centers, malls and hotels — essentially, places owned for the purpose of generating income.

Industrial real estate are places such as factories and warehouses where things are manufactured and lastly, land real estate includes vacant or underdeveloped terrain such as farms and ranches.

2. Buy property to fix

One way to kick off your journey into becoming a real estate mogul is to straight up buy property with the goal of fixing and flipping it. Whether it’s a residential piece of property or commercial, this is most traditional way to enter into the real estate game.

As Ro$$ points out, buying physical property is like buying into the stock exchange. The price of homes fluctuate with the market and it’s extremely volatile.

Though most will say you need 20 percent to put down on a home, if you are a first time homebuyer, through a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan, that downpayment is comes down to 3.5 percent.

Ro$$ suggests purchasing a home with more than one bedroom and renting out the other rooms.

3. What’s an FHA loan?

An FHA loan is a mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration for low-to-moderate income future home owners. The requirements to own a house through the FHA are less rigorous.

The downpayment using the government-administered loan is 3.5 percent and your credit score doesn’t have to be as high. It can be as low as 500 points and the possibility of owning real estate property can still be a goal worth achieving.

4. REITs

Another way to own property is through something called REITs.

“REITs are Real Estate Investment Trusts,” Ro$$ explains. “A REIT is like a mutual fund in the fact that it is a company that owns and operates a portfolio of income-generating real estate.”

This allows small investors to have access to income-generating real estate without having to actually buy the property. Unlike with a house, REITs can be sold whenever and they usually outperform the traditional market.

5. How to buy REITs

REITs can be a great addition to your portfolio for diversification and can be purchased through an exchange-traded fund (ETF) using a broker from a site such as E-Trade or Charles Schwab.

Before you make your first investment, it’s important to check out the price chart, as well as the historical trends of the company you are investing in. Next, go to their website and check out things such as their retention and occupancy rate.

Once you feel comfortable with the company of your choosing, it’s time to make your first buy into the real estate market. It’s the easiest way to get into property ownership without having to deal with landlords and maintenance.