Meek Mill is standing firm in his fight for criminal justice reform.

According to Complex, Meek visited the State Correctional Institution-Phoenix to meet with a man named Maurice Hudson, who was incarcerated after failing to make court-ordered payments. The Philadelphia rapper was accompanied by Michael Rubin, who spoke on their visit and stressed the importance of making changes to Pennsylvania’s criminal justice system.

“It’s a case very similar to Meek’s. [Hudson has] been sent to prison two different times: Once for one to two years, another time for 18 to 36 months—never committed a crime,” Rubin said. “For me to see people in Pennsylvania going to prison for not committing crimes is something I can’t understand. … I think [Hudson] is a good person. He’s got three kids, wants to take care of his kids. And instead of being with family and taking care of his kids, he’s in prison for being poor.”

After the visit, Meek told the Philadelphia Tribune, “We were like two brothers meeting with the same mother. He said this was like he was going to court for a murder. I understand because when you are in this position you don’t know how long you are going to be away from your family. It was the same thing for me.”

Meek and Rubin are pushing for Hudson’s release as well as changes to the state’s probation laws. “Pennsylvania is spending $100 million a year putting people in prison for technical violations. That means they did not committ a crime…we need to change that,” Rubin said. “This is the third-worst state in the country—we have the third highest rate of people in prison for technical violations…it’s a perfect example of someone who shouldn’t be here…we do want to help this young man to get out of prison, we want to help him to get back with his family, and this is another great example of what we need to change in Pennsylvania.”