Back in April, multifaceted creative Donald Glover released his “Guava Island” film, first premiering the project at Coachella. The hourlong musical, which stars Rihanna and Letitia Wright alongside Glover, is a stunning and whimsical story that was created over the course of four weeks of filming on location in Cuba.
To celebrate the film’s successes and positive reception, Glover and streaming partner Amazon Prime have released five new behind-the-scenes videos. During the clips, the videos give a more in-depth look at the cast of talented dancers, musicians and actors that helped shape the brilliance of the project.
“At its best (or maybe just its most accessible), art is ingenuity,” Glover said in a statement. “I had the pleasure of experiencing this spirit of ‘making what you must with what you have’ collaborating with Cuba’s talented and abundant artists over the course of filming ‘Guava Island.’ The artist’s endeavor has always been the manifesting of an idea, then forcing a society to recognize, or maybe just question, its value. These artists have not only inspired me to examine what we value on a day-to-day basis, but also to move with intention in the world with the childlike ingenuity that Cuba seems to offer every moment. I’m very proud to be able to share their stories with you.”
The vibrant musical, which was filmed in Havana, was directed by Hiro Murai, written by Stephen Glover and based on a story by Royalty.
Murai, who has collaborated closely with Glover throughout their respective careers, also shared a statement on the project.
“‘Guava Island’ is the end result of four incredible weeks spent in Cuba with some of the most inspiring creative talents I’ve ever met,” he reflected. “Designers, performers, musicians, and filmmakers came together from all over the world to create this crazy fever dream of a production.”
In the clips below, viewers are given an inside look at the locations “Guava Island” was filmed, as well as will meet the local dancers, actors and musicians involved in the project.
“Guava Island” is currently available to stream via Amazon Prime.