While there appears to be a new meme every week in today’s fast-paced internet culture, unfortunately said viral moments can often result in some IRL damage.

Most recently, a video snippet capturing Beyoncé’s shift in body language during the NBA Finals has taking the timeline by storm. In the moment captured, Beyoncé can be transitioning into what appears to be an uncomfortable mood as Nicole Curran, the wife of the Golden State Warriors’ owner Joe Lacob, leans over to talk to JAY-Z.

In the aftermath of the situation going immediately viral, the BeyHive absolutely went ham on social media after learning who the other woman in question was, swarming her Instagram with so many comments that Curran decided to deactivate her account. Curran has since spoken about the incident, revealing that, in addition to a colossal spike in attention, she has received a slew of death threats as a result.

Due to the reaction from some of Beyoncé’s most diehard fans, the singer’s publicist, Yvette Noel-Schure, has issued a rare statement about the matter.

“I am looking back today at the start of The OTRII tour, one year ago,” she wrote alongside a photo of Bey and Jay on stage during the joint concert series. “It was a place of joy, unimaginable entertainment from two of the best performers in the world, and a place of love. Every single day on that tour I saw love.”

From there, Noel-Schure alludes to the digital controversy with Curran, encouraging the BeyHive to redirect the energy behind their actions.

“Which is why I also want to speak here to the beautiful BeyHiVE,” she continued. “I know your love runs deep but that love has to be given to every human. It will bring no joy to the person you love so much if you spew hate in her name. We love you.”

Curran also addressed Beyoncé’s fan base before deactivating her Instagram.

“Listen Beehive,” she wrote, commenting on an Instagram post. “I respect Queen B. I love her! I talked to her husband twice tonight. First, to take a drink order for them both when they arrived as they were our guests. Second, to explain why I gave his wife a rose from a fan. All of this has been taken out of context. I am a happily married woman. Telling me to kill myself?????? Somehow I don’t think she would support this.”

Curran spoke to a reporter from ESPN about the negative commentary she has received on Instagram. “I’ve never experienced cyberbullying like this,” she added. “I can’t believe our players go through this. That kids go through this.”

While Beyoncé herself hasn’t issued a comment on the trolling matter at the time of this report, her publicist making such a statement to encourage her fans to be kinder than one another is presumably one she’d stand behind, 100 percent.