After jumping to defend Kanye West earlier this week, Chance the Rapper has apologized and clarified his statements upon learning that they were being misinterpreted and mishandled by President Trump.

On Wednesday (April 25), Chano attempted to quell the backlash that West was receiving for his seemingly pro-Trump Twitter tirades by tweeting “Black people don’t have to be democrats.”

However, Trump then sent his own tweet thanking Chance for “really get[ting] it,” which is when Chano began to backtrack. Trump wrote:

“Kanye West has performed a great service to the Black Community – Big things are happening and eyes are being opened for the first time in Decades – Legacy Stuff! Thank you also to Chance and Dr. Darrell Scott, they really get it (lowest Black & Hispanic unemployment in history).”

Chance then rejected Trump’s praise (“Nah that ain’t it yo”) before issuing a lengthy apology, as well as an explanation for his defense of Kanye.

“I didn’t speak up because I agree with what Kanye had to say or ’cause I fuck with Trump. I did it because I wanted to help my friend and ’cause I felt like I was being used to attack him. Unfortunately, my attempt to support Kanye is being used to discredit my brothers and sisters in the movement and I can’t sit by and let that happen either. I’d never support anyone who has made a career out of hatred, racism, and discrimination….So let my apology be seen in my future works, and let me make up for my poorly timed comments with immediate action and advocacy for those who need it most.”

“We have to talk honestly about what is happening and has been happening in this country and we have to challenge those who are responsible, as well as those who are giving them a pass. If that happens to include someone I love, someone who is my brother-in-Christ and someone who I believe really does want to do what is right, it’s not my job to defend or protect him. It’s my job to pick up the phone and talk to him about it.” Read the full statement below.