Early Sunday morning (April 22) a gunman opened fire at a Waffle House in Tennessee, taking the lives of four people and injuring several others.

As reported, the gunman, a white male who allegedly fled the scene only wearing a green bomber jacket, was interrupted when a 29-year-old patron, identified as James Shaw Jr., saw a window of opportunity to wrestle the gun out of the hands of the shooter and instinctively took it, saving the lives of many.

Shaw Jr. intervened while the shooting was taking place, tackling the man and throwing his AR-15 assault rifle over the counter. People across the country have since taken to social media to deem him a hero, noting how his selfless and brave actions saved the lives of multiple customers.

“When he came in, I distinctively remember thinking that he is going to have to work for this kill,” Shaw Jr. shared with local reporters at the Tennessean. “I had a chance to stop him and thankfully I stopped him. I grabbed the gun and kept it down. He had one hand on it. I pulled it away and threw it over the bar.”

Following the incident, which took place around 3:25AM, the alleged shooter Travis Reinking, a 29-year-old white male, promptly fled the premises. At the time of this report, police are actively looking for him, with warrants out for his arrest in connection with the shooting.

While intervening in the shooting, Shaw Jr. was grazed by a bullet and later was treated for his injuries at an area hospital.

“While I was in hospital, a girl that was there said you saved my life,” he added. “I didn’t do it to be hero.”

See how people across the U.S. are reacting to news of the incident and the heroic actions of James Shaw Jr., below.