Hundreds of thousands are protesting today (March 24), gathering in Washington D.C. and in 800 cities across the globe to vocalize their support of gun reform and to publicly denounce gun violence.

As the #NeverAgain and #Enough movements gain momentum, the largely student-organized protests are garnering the support of the masses around the country and planet alike, many celebrities are using their platforms to help amplify the messages surrounding the important call-to-action.

As reported, Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga and Jimmy Fallon have each helped sponsor buses to help students and activists travel to the nation’s capital in order to join the protest efforts.

The buses were part of an initiative organized by MTV and the NAACP to help encourage the youth to participate in this weekend’s protests, which were organized following the Parkland high school shooting last month.

As the protests continue into Saturday afternoon, see how celebrities are participating in the March For Our Lives rally, below.