Logic has some big news to share so it was only fitting he enlisted the help of Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty.

Per the announcement, the Maryland rapper’s long-awaited Bobby Tarantino II mixtape is slated for a release this Friday (March 9).

During the animated clip, the beloved series’ two stars go back and forth, contemplating what to listen to while aboard their starship.

Morty suggests they listen to “album Logic” but Ricki wants “mixtape Logic,” with the latter going on to make a compelling, profanity-laced argument.

“I’m not in the mood for a message about how I can be whatever I want or equality and everybody and all that s—t…I want to hear some f—king titties, throwing stacks on some ass!” Ricky says in the clip.

Logic’s announcement regarding his forthcoming mixtape arrives after releasing three new singles, “Overnight,” “Everyday” (with Marshmallo) and “44 More.”

Take a look at the promotional clip advertising Logic’s Bobby Tarantino II mixtape, below.