After delivering one of the most sonically extraordinary albums of 2016 with Freetown Sound, Dev Hynes (artistically known as Blood Orange) took to Instagram back in July to tease its follow-up. But now he’s given a more promising update on the project.
According to Vulture, Hynes spoke to New York Times’ Hua Hsu and said the new album is “78% done.”
He explained that the LP details his upbringing under racism, saying, “A lot of the new songs on the new album deal with growing up and childhood in England. Looking at the country that made me. [Essex County is] one of the only places in England where the BNP, which is the British National Party, a.k.a. the racist party — ‘Keep Britain White’ was one of their campaigns — were constantly elected in power.”
Hynes once said Freetown described his “movement to this country at the age of 21, the same age that [his] mother moved from Guyana to London, and [his] father from Sierra Leone to London.”
Comparatively, however, he said about the forthcoming LP, “If Freetown was delving into my parents from my eyes, being younger; now, this one is definitely me looking at my younger self, growing up in that setting. So yeah, it’s a little dark.”
Last year, Hynes produced and co-wrote “Ghetty Boy” on Tinashe’s Nightride, and appeared as a background vocalist on Solange’s A Seat at the Table interlude “The Moment.” He also co-wrote and co-produced Solo’s entire True EP. Last month, the two performed at Los Angeles’ Hollywood Bowl together, inspiring Solange to return to Twitter.