Season 2 of the award winning FX comedy, Atlanta, has already begun production.

Film crews were spotted in Donald Glover’s hometown between September 20 and 22. Filming has taken place across the city, including at an office building in East Point and at Atlanta’s Southlake Mall. Casting calls in search of actors to play “trashy white characters,” “very tan Caucasians to portray Floridians,” and a “sketchy mom… cheering on someone getting beat up,” have also been posted online.

Donald Glover has remained quiet about what we can come to expect from the show’s second season.

“I don’t want to go into season two [with the mindset of] ‘Enough people liked it so just keep those people,’ because then you begin to give your audience a methadone drip of bullshit that keeps them happy as opposed to, ‘We did something controversial and more people were interested,’” he recently told Hollywood Reporter.

Season two of Atlanta premieres in 2018.