On Tuesday evening (September 19), Cardi B took to social media to reveal an altercation she’d just had with a police officer. According to a series of now-deleted tweets sent out from the Bronx rapper’s Twitter account, she was put in a choke-hold by a New York cop.
Cardi’s boyfriend Offset has since commented on this situation. In an interview with TMZ, the Migos member said Cardi called him following the incident.
“At first, when she called, I ain’t think she was being serious until I seen her face,” he said.
Offset continued, claiming that there were two men who were fighting that caused the police to arrive at the scene, but that they engaged with Cardi instead. “They ain’t touch the dudes that were fighting, they touched her, so I don’t understand what was going on,” he said.
Offset sounded unsure that justice would be served, however, when he said, “I know you can’t stop the police. The police kill people every day and get away with it.”
Cardi has yet to make additional comments on the altercation, and the NYPD has not made any.
TMZ also spoke to Offset about the existence and validity of “hip-hop police.” He responded, “The hip-hop police? Oh yeah, they’re real, for sure.”