It’s been over five years since Chance the Rapper debuted with his first mixtape 10 Days, but it’s taken that long for it to become the catalyst of a new lawsuit.
According to the Chicago Tribune, Chano is being sued for copyright infringement by New York lawyer and jazz musician Abdul Wali Muhammad who claims 10 Day‘s song “Windows” samples his own “Bridge Through Time.”
Muhammad’s lawsuit, filed Tuesday, alleges “blatant and willful infringement” and that a “significant portion” of his work was sampled. He’s asked a federal judge to stop the rapper from “copying, distributing, performing, selling or offering to sell” the song.
According to the lawsuit, Muhammad composed “Bridge Through Time” and registered the copyright in May 1979.
The Tribune reports that the recorded and released version of the track, sung by Lonnie Liston Smith, has been sampled by “at least 13 artists, including Jay Z and Big K.R.I.T.”