Although the state of Florida has reportedly ordered over six million people to evacuate their homes in advance of the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma, not all residents had the option to do so.

With Jim Jones among those stuck in Miami who will be weathering storm (literally), the rapper is doing his best to stay in good spirits, while also providing some comedic relief about the situation.

The Diplomats OG previously shared with TMZ that he chose to prepare for the hurricane and hunker down after realizing there weren’t any available flights out of the city, buying what he referred to as essentially a two-year supply of his favorite cereals, among other non-perishables.

Taking to Instagram, Jones decided to have some fun with the otherwise grim scenario, making it his personal responsibility to keep his fans up-to-date on the hurricane’s status and report live in true weatherman fashion.

Sporting a blazer, button-down shirt, pocket square and sunglasses, with the camera later hilariously revealing he was wearing pink boxer briefs to complete the look, the New York native shared his advice with fellow Floridians about how to get through the weekend’s unfortunate forecast.

“It’s your n—a the meteorologist,” the rapper says, while casually puffing on a cigar. “We got some things we really need to talk about. I heard Key West, Homestead, y’all really need to get the f–k out of there.” He then dives into how real it is getting in Florida, with a later clip showcasing that he took it to the beach to continue his dedicated reporting of the situation.

“It’s choppy out here,” he points out, as the wind begins to severely pick up. “Don’t go to the beach motherf–ker. It’s that simple.”

While his comedic commentary has been appreciated by fans, the storm is unleashing its wrath on the state. According to a Saturday evening statement from Florida Gov. Rick Scott, 76,000 people are already without power with that number expected to grow exponentially. Irma, which has since been downgraded to a category 3 storm but is expected to pick up strength as it moves closer to Florida, has reportedly already left at least 23 people dead across the Caribbean.

Charitable action is already being taken, with organizations like the Red Cross beginning to seek donations in order to help those who are, and will be, affected by Hurricane Irma.

Capo continued his live reporting on Sunday afternoon, showcasing how intensely Hurricane Irma hit Miami and advising his fans to “stay low” and protect their families.