Last weekend, Hurricane Harvey furiously ripped through Texas, tragically taking the lives of 45 people and displacing over 40,000 residents. With the situation extremely heartbreaking and the damage absolutely devastating, a number of hip-hop’s most respected names have come forward to aid with relief efforts.

From raising money and awareness to being hands-on with rescue efforts, Houston’s hip-hop leaders have been out in full force, with Trae Tha Truth reminding folks that it’s not about who does what or who does more, it’s about getting involved together. Lil’ Flip has also come forward to echo that sentiment, while also reminding critics to focus their energy on helping out instead of on hating.

The 36-year-old rapper, who recently released his new single “B—h I’m The Man (B.I.T.M.), spoke with TMZ about the situation, specifically touching on the president’s response to the catastrophic natural disaster and how he acted in its aftermath.

“I feel like it’s good Donald Trump came to Texas,” Flip shared during the conversation. “I feel like it’s the president’s duty to get out there with the people on the frontlines sometimes, see what’s going on. Kinda wish he would’ve came to Houston as well… But it’s fine, he came. At least he just didn’t sit in his White House and not come. You know, you get an E for effort for trying.”

Not everyone shares Lil’ Flip’s perspective to look on the bright side regarding the president’s efforts, with many criticizing Trump for visiting Corpus Christi, Texas, an area that wasn’t as severely impacted by the storm as Houston was. Trump also didn’t meet with any victims during his first visit, resulting in tremendous backlash that perhaps inspired him, along with the first lady, to return to Texas this weekend.

“A lot of times I feel that people sit back and they criticize on what you do but those same people, did those same people catch flights to Houston?” Lil’ Flip continued. “Did those same people go out there and make great speeches? It’s kinda like a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. At the end of the day, you can’t never please everybody. My take on that, hey, if the critics come out here and help Houston, if you go point the finger at somebody, then you should be out there. So whoever has a problem with how he handle it then they should go out there and do something as well.”

Lil’ Flip, who received his own declared day in Houston earlier this year for his birthday (March 3rd), is utilizing his platform to help advocate for active charities and is currently working alongside Mayor Sylvester Turner to help best contribute to relief efforts.

“We are with our neighbors during this difficult time, and the entire KingLife Family is devoted to help where we can during this horrendous tragedy to get people back on their feet,” the rapper shared in a statement accompanying his latest single. “Our prayers are with you all.”

Take a look at Lil’ Flip’s latest commentary regarding Hurricane Harvey in the clip below.