In the wake of the tragic death of Philando Castile, who was killed by a police officer during a traffic stop, a fundraiser has been created in his memory.

The Philando Feeds the Children fund will help provide free lunch to elementary school students in Saint Paul, Minn. who aren’t eligible to receive it otherwise. Castile, a nutrition supervisor at the J.J. Hill Montessori school, had built a reputation for often purchasing lunch meals for many students whose families couldn’t afford to pay for the lunch. It can reportedly cost around $400 annually to feed an elementary school student lunch.

“In memory of Philando Castile, this site is collecting donations to pay off elementary school kids’ lunch debt. The J.J. Hill school is several thousand dollars short. Some kids get free lunch, but many kids come from families with incomes slightly above the cut off. They get behind in payments, and need our help,” read the Philando Feeds the Children page that has been posted on the YouCaring crowdfunding website. It’s being reported that over $20,000 has been collected for the fund, so far.

Valerie Castile, Philando’s mother, has said that she wants her son to be remembered with “honor and dignity.” She also has pledged to match the amount raised by the Philando Feeds the Children fund.

In June, the officer responsible for Castile’s death was found not guilty of the manslaughter charges brought up against him.