Earlier this month, Kanye West sued an insurance market for $10 million alleging breach of contract and breach of good faith and fair dealing.

He claimed that Lloyd’s of London failed to pay him money owed after his Saint Pablo Tour cancellation, despite being informed “with sworn testimony from his primary physician…that [he] suffered a debilitating medical condition that required he not tour.”

(According to Billboard, the lawsuit was to “convince the insurers that West’s mental breakdown was real, unexpected, and not due to pernicious influences.”) Continue reading below.

Rumor Report | Kanye West sues insurance company for $10M over payments for canceled tour

However, now Lloyd’s has countersued citing insurance policy exclusions that include “pre-existing psychological conditions, possession of illegal drugs, prescription drugs not taken as medically prescribed, and the consumption of alcohol rendering the insured unfit to perform.” Still, they won’t give specifics “in order to protect the privacy of Mr. West from public disclosure of details of his private life.”

Their court papers read, “[The] investigation indicates substantial irregularities in Mr. West’s medical history.”

According to Billboard, the insurers are seeking “declaratory relief” that they have no duty to compensate West.