On Friday night (August 25), Hurricane Harvey landed in Texas with winds of 130 miles per hour and devastating amounts of rain that affected some of the state’s most populous areas, including the inland cities of Austin and San Antonio and coastline areas of Houston and Corpus Christi. As of this morning, the storm’s death toll had risen to five.

Many have sent their condolences, but Drake is one celebrity promising to do even more.

The rapper took to Instagram to announce his plans to aid and assist the residents of Texas, and professed his love for the city of Houston, one he says has served as a home to him since his debut eight years ago. He wrote:

“We are currently overseas in London and all I can think about is how devastated I am as I look at images of the damage Hurricane Harvey has caused. I am praying for the safety of all those affected. Houston has truly been a home to me over the last 8 years. Myself and @futuretheprince are working with local relief groups to aid and assist the people of Texas in anyway we can and in the most immediate way possible. I also want to thank all the men and women of service and volunteers for their courageous efforts to help people in need. I encourage everyone to do what they can to assist the people of Texas knowing whatever effort you can make to help will go a long way.”

Beyonce, who hails from Houston herself, sent love to the city on Instagram too, writing: “Texas you are in my prayers.”