On Tuesday, Aug. 15, REVOLT.tv livestreamed TIDAL X: Van Jones, We Rise Against Hate Tour, a special discussion with the CNN correspondent at the Nashville, Tenn. stop of his We Rise Tour.

After interviewing a Charlottesville victim named Constance, Van Jones spoke to pop star Demi Lovato about her anti-bullying campaigns, her public criticism of President Donald Trump, and why she feels obligated to use her voice to speak out against injustice.

“It just hurts to see so much pain and suffering that people are having to deal with,” Lovato said. “If you don’t use your voice, especially with the platform I have, you’re being a bystander. Bystanders are just as bad as the people causing this crisis.”

Lovato also revealed that she was bullied as a child, saying that she was bullied so much that she left public school.

“I remember being harassed online and through text messages, and I was verbally bullied rather than physically bullied,” she said. “I had wished they were physically abusive instead of verbally abusive, just because of how mean they were being.

“I know what it’s like to be so depressed after being bullying that you have thoughts of suicide. I know what it’s like to harm yourself after that because you don’t feel like you fit in because of how mean people are being,” she continued. “When I had a platform to speak out against it, I wanted people to know that bullying’s not OK.”

Watch the full interview above.