Four months after filing and being granted a restraining order against Chris Brown, the singer’s ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran has nabbed another legal win.

According to TMZ, a judge has ruled that the order must stay in place for five years.

Today, Tran testified under oath in a Santa Monica courtroom that Brown abused and threatened her.

Tran claimed that after the couple broke up, Brown demanded that she return diamond rings and other gifts that she received during their relationship. When she refused, Brown reportedly text her:

“I’m not being nice to you no more, if I see you out in public again, and I’m there I will make you hate me even more, don’t be anywhere I’m out in public, I’m going to ban you from all events.”

In another text, he allegedly wrote: “Bitch I will beat the shit out of you” and “I promise you I will make your life hell.”

In February, Tran claimed in a sworn statement that Brown had previously “punched me in my stomach twice” and “pushed me down the stairs.”

Brown was not in court today and the judge reportedly refused to allow him to join by phone.

However, his lawyer Mark Geragos argued that Tran never reported the alleged threats to police.