It’s no secret that Chance the Rapper loves his hometown of Chicago—not just enough to rep it, but to actively try and bring positive change to it. He’s donated $2.2 million to its public schools system; turned his birthday celebration into a charity event; and called upon the city’s high school students to direct a music video.

Now, he’s partnering with Chicago Beyond, a non-profit philanthropic venture fund, in seeking out and encouraging ideas that can better the city for its youth.

On Wednesday, Chance took to Facebook Live with Liz Dozier, the managing director of the organization, to announce its ‘Go Innovation Challenge.’

Dozier said, “We are announcing a $2 million innovation challenge and we’re looking for amazing ideas, programs, approaches to support Chicago’s kids. And that’s what it boils down to.”

Chano added, “Propose an idea on how you could help Chicago this summer and the best ideas we’ll give $2 million to—multiple $2 million, not just one set of $2 million, multiple increments of $2 million, to make Chicago better.”

Submitting ideas is easy. According to Dozier, “All you need is a phone, take a 90-second video, go to, and send it over to us.”