Bill Maher’s usage of the N-word on his show Real Time With Bill Maher Friday night has sparked outrage around the country toward the comedian/political commentator, and Chance The Rapper is urging HBO to respond.
“Please @HBO Do Not Air Another Episode of Real Time With Bill Maher,” Chance matter-of-factly tweeted Saturday morning.
Maher has been known to ruffle feathers as a comedian, and he has used this season of his show specifically to speak out against what he believes is a liberal habit of overemphasizing political correctness. But even this seems to have gone too far. On Friday night’s episode, during an interview with Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse about his new book, Sasse said he would like Maher to “have you work in the fields with us.” Maher responded, “work in the fields? Senator, I am a house nigger.”
The response has been swift, with the likes of Chance, Al Sharpton, and activist Deray McKesson criticizing his use of the word, with some calling for HBO to cancel the show. Others, like Larry King and Killer Mike, have downplayed the significance of Maher’s comments.
Maher has since issued the following apology:
“Friday nights are always my worst night of sleep because I’m up reflecting on the things I should or shouldn’t have said on my live show. Last night was a particularly long night as I regret the word I used in the banter of a live moment. The word was offensive and I regret saying it and am very sorry.”
See footage of Maher’s comments below.