“Bobby Sessions, the legend from Dallas, Texas.” That memorable and identifying lyric from his debut album LOA (Law Of Attraction) is merely one example of the self-affirming ideals Bobby Sessions has conveyed on record. While some may say this statement is too boastful for a rapper who is just releasing his sophomore album (grateful.), for Sessions it’s simply speaking into existence what he knows he will achieve as an artist. This thought process is not only summed up in the title of his debut album, but remains a recurring theme behind Bobby’s music. The ‘law of attraction’ is the theory that anything you can see in your mind, you can hold in your hand. The instant acclaim the rapper has earned from national media and fans alike is not a surprise to Sessions. He saw it all in his mind long before it manifested in real life.
Get to know Bobby in his own words:
My sound in five words or less: A motivational speaker that raps.
Best part of making this video: Pulling off the “one-take” music video was definitely the best part.
What inspires your art: Motivating people to dominate their biggest hater…THEMSELVES!
Explain the concept of the song in one sentence: A man losing his mind because things always seem to go wrong.
Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat? IG: @bobbysessionstx
Favorite emoji: ✊🏿
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/highstandardztx
Watch his video on REVOLT TV the week of May 15th, and let us know your thoughts by tweeting @RevoltTV and using the hashtag #SpotlightOnREVOLT.