Last week, Kim Kardashian West made headlines after paparazzi photos of her vacationing in Mexico surfaced and the internet deemed her bikini look less than flattering. The transgression in question? Visible cellulite.
She faced heat from both fans and opposers, losing nearly 100,000 Instagram followers in the process. Fans shared their disappointment in being deceived, since her carefully-curated photos tend to skew toward perfection; detractors reveled in the fact that her oft-denied plastic surgery of the rear seemed to finally be wearing off.
Rumor Report | Kim Kardashian’s alleged doctor says her butt is too big
See what some had to say below:
Now, her alleged surgeon, Dr. Aardon Rollins of Elite Body Sculptors, is coming forward to give his take, warning others who are considering similar surgery while explaining the downsides of fat reassignment. He said:
“Let her serve as a lesson to anyone who wants to make a body part bigger: if they have cellulite there before the procedure, then it will be there afterwards, too. People need to think about that or it will look bad like Kim’s. It’s very big, maybe too big. Fat was taken from her waist and put into her bottom. But it’s transferring problem fat to another area. Problem fat is problem fat wherever it is. It grows in the same way as it would in the place it was taken from. Kim has had two children, she has put on weight and then lost it, then gained it again and lost it again. It’s like blowing up a balloon and then letting the air out – there are ripples. No wonder it looks like that. She has everything going against her and there is nothing she can do about it – apart from get the airbrush out.”
Meanwhile, Kim, as resolute as always, has responded with her usual shrug.